Wallet settings

We have introduced the "Wallet Settings" feature to empower users with the ability to back up their passphrases, manage connections, or sign out of their wallets.

How to Backup Passphrase?

The passphrase must be saved in a safe place when users create wallets on Ramper Wallet.

The passphrase should always be kept in a secure location when users create wallets on Ramper Wallet. However, if users can't recall their passphrase, it can be retrieved by following these steps:

Step 1: From the home screen, select the Wallet section located at the top left corner.

Step 2: On the right corner of the wallet you want to access, click on the "Settings" icon.

Step 3: Choose Backup Passphrase.

Step 4: Click Backup to reveal the passphrase of the wallet.

How to Revoke Connection?

How to Revoke Connection: We've implemented the "Revoke Connection" feature to ensure that connected websites or Dapps no longer retain access to your wallet address. Follow these steps:

Step 1: From the home screen, select the Wallet section at the top left corner.

Step 2: On the right corner of the wallet you want to manage, click on the "Settings" icon.

Step 3: Opt for Manage Connections and then select a specific connection. Click the "✖️" icon to revoke that specific connection. Alternatively, choose Revoke all connections to revoke all of them.

Step 4: Click Revoke to complete the process.

How to Signout Wallet?

Step 1: Accessing the Sign-Out Option

  • To log out of your wallet, go to the wallet settings within the application, typically located in the upper-left corner of the screen.

  • Look for the Sign Out option and click or tap it.

Step 2: Confirming Sign-Out

  • A confirmation message will appear, asking for confirmation of your decision to sign out.

  • Confirm your choice.

You have now successfully signed out of your wallet. For security purposes, it is advisable to log out whenever you finish using the wallet, especially when using shared or public devices.

Last updated